How to write a memoir authentically.
I saw a great (and related) article today about writing and artificial intelligence entitled: “Why Human Writing is Worth Defending in The Age of ChatGPT” by Naomi S. Baron that I wanted to share (article link is below).
The reason: I could not agree more with Naomi’s findings!
She States:
“The literate brain empowers us to use writing as a canvas for witnessing our thoughts.
Recall Flannery O’Connor’s much-quoted remark that “I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.”
That sentiment is not unique in literary research. You’ll find it echoed by Horace Walpole, E.M. Forster, Arthur Koestler, George Bernard Shaw, William Faulkner, and, of course, Joan Didion (“I don’t know what I think until I write it down”).
(Me either).
… If writing helps us think, what happens when we surrender that process to AI?
We risk becoming cognitively and expressively disempowered.”
Well said, and very probably true I’m afraid.
Writing a memoir authentically is something that I have always championed – because it gives the writer a chance to be WHO they actually are, and not disingenuous or something they’re not.
I mean, God, The Divine Being, The Supreme Being, or however you wish to define The Creator, created us all a little bit differently for a good reason. And we are all here on earth for a unique and special reason also.
… So, why not be yourself, and write authentically about your life and what you think?
You have that right, and I think that everyone should share their unique perspective on life and living, because it contributes to a much more rich collective experience.
I understand that some memoir writers want to create a book that will be loved and respected by many generations after their passing. But, that type of exquisitely written book raises the bar (too) significantly on expected quality, content, and impact on the reader, think.
So, if YOU are an overachiever (like me, often times) go for it!
But for the rest of us, you are more than enough just the way you are – so do not feel any pressure to produce the next NIGHT book (by Elie Wiesel).
… So please don’t use ChatGPT or Bard to create a cookie cutter, vanilla, or plain Jane memoir derivative.
Your life is unique and so is your life story! That’s a good thing.
Tell your story authentically.
To your family, friends – – – and the 100 generations that come after you.
They will love it!
How to Write a Memoir Authentically – You can do it!
Here is a link to Naomi’s excellent article:
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