Memoir Book Example – Video 2:
We put out Biography Example Video 2 yesterday, and man was it fun!
The video was a little more serious and heartfelt than Video 1, because of the memoir book chapters covered in the video.
It begins with the chapter: My High School Years – – – and I quickly digressed to the story of how Teri (my wife) who I was dating at that time, bought a beat-up Firebird car back in 1979.
She asked me to go look at the car with her.
It would not even start for us!

I told her she should probably not buy it, but she decided to anyway (yes, she has quite a strong spirit)!
That Firebird broke down several times on her afterward – including once in the middle of an intersection – and she decided to part ways with it soon afterward).
The funny things we all did in High School! 🙂
Biography Example Video 2 then moves on to The College Years chapter, and I offer a suggestion (which I think is 100% accurate) about how you should RELAX when you write your life story and not worry about making it perfect.
Because in the past, only celebrities and the wealthy could afford to create a memoir, and their stories would typically be offered for sale to the public.
Consequently, when someone thinks about writing their life story today, they think it has to be PERFECT and SO GOOD that it goes on sale at Barnes and Noble.
Totally not true!
Your family and friends already love you and THEY would love and cherish your memoir!
And you do not have to worry about selling it (or showing it) to anyone.
The next section of the video goes to the chapter: Military Service.
I show a photo of Teri’s father back in World War II, when he was an anti-aircraft gunner.
But I digress again and talk about my brother who was a US Army paratrooper (82nd Airborne, 1/504th ‘Devils in Baggy Pants’). He loved doing that, but he got injured during jungle training in Panama, and eventually had to leave the Service.

He has passed on since then, but in Video 2, I mention that we always give away one free copy of The Life Writer App for every two that we sell.
And I tell the viewers that other veterans struggle today as my brother did after getting out, and that if they know of a veteran (or someone in need) that would benefit from a free copy of The Life Writer App, to please let me know.
The last segment of Biography Example Video 2 covers the chapter: Starting Our Family, and I tell the story of how a customer bought The Life Writer App in Australia in order to write her story, and qualify to be a Foster Parent there.
She DID that and she WAS APPROVED! (Which is REALLY cool)!

I use our dog (Simon) in the video as some comic relief, and Simon says: BARK (Let’s go to Australia) 🙂
So, I show a few images from there (a Kangaroo, the Uluru red rock, guys playing Rugby, and a female dog at the beach – for Simon).

I even bought some authentic Australian music for the end!
(Can you tell I love making these videos?)
I do.
Biography Example Video 3 – the last in the series – is being done now.
It should be released in about 2 weeks.
Do you want to see what a Biography Example book looks like?
Here is one from our website:
Memoir Book Example – Video 2 (!)
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