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Welcome Peter, From New Zealand

Welcome, Peter from Auckland, New Zealand! You are our first customer in that beautiful country.

One of the best things about developing The Life Writer has been connecting with people from all over the United States and world.

Everyone has their own perspective on life and we have enjoyed hearing what others have to say, learning about other cultures, and maybe learning something new.

Which we do often.

Peter told me quite a bit about New Zealand recently. It was really fascinating and makes me want to visit there.

I have been to most of the states in the U.S., to Canada, Mexico, Europe, Japan, and Taiwan (Hong Kong also, if waiting in the airport for 4.5 hours counts!) but never south of the equator.

…It may be time for a research trip down under.

Thank you Peter, and thank you to all of our life story writing customers.

We appreciate your business and we appreciate you – for being who you are and where you live.


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