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Why 79?

We hear these questions a lot:

…. Is The Life Writer fee a subscription? Does it cost $79 every month?

… Can I give a free copy of The Life Writer to someone I know in need?

… How long do I have to write my life story before the license runs out?

Here Are The Answers:

The Life Writer fee is not a subscription; it is not a monthly payment. It is a one-time fee of $79.00 (yeah!)

Where the $79 fee comes from:

The Life Writer mission is to make life story writing easy, affordable, and available to everyone. From the very beginning, we wanted to offer a top-notch assisted life story writing service for less than $100, so that just about everyone could afford it.

For those that can’t afford the current $79 fee, we have decided to give away free copies to those in need. The free copy ratio is 1 to 2 (for every 2 licenses we sell, we will give 1 away for free to someone in need).   

…Yes, if a customer knows someone in need, they can certainly request that we make that free copy available to them. We would be happy to. 

There is no time limit for current customers to complete their life story. They can take as long as they need to. 

The Life Writer offers a host of unmatched customer features, including: Automatic speech-to-text (so users don’t have to type their life story in by hand), unlimited toll free customer support, and over 500 customized life story questions to make the writing process easy, fast, and fun.

It’s an outstanding value to anyone that wants to write his or her life story.

It makes an excellent gift too! (See below)

…But, don’t just take my word for it.

Look at “A Ghostwriter’s Fee – How Do They Charge?” by a well-known Ghostwriter on the web. The fees shown below are typical for what’s required when you pay someone to write your life story:

A “Cheap Writer” (probably a student): $2,000 and up (with a high risk for no completion)

A Professional Writer: $12,000 – $90,000 ($51,000 average)

A High-End Celebrity Writer: $150,000 – $750,000 ($450,000 average)

Wow, those prices are high and not something that most families can afford!   

Which is why we started this business. 

Thank you asking all your questions! Please continue.

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Do you need a gift certificate? This is what they look like:

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