Haters And Extremism:
Like many of you, I watched the assault on the U.S. Capitol Building yesterday with shock and indignation.
So, I wanted to comment on that event.
Let’s begin with a few definitions (compliments of thesaurus.com):
1. Extremism: A tendency or disposition to go to extremes or an instance of going to extremes, especially in political matters: leftist extremism; the extremism of the Nazis.
An associated word is Bigotry.
2. Bigotry: Stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own.
the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.
And last, the word intolerance.
3. Intolerance: Lack of tolerance; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect opinions or beliefs contrary to one’s own.
Unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect persons of a different social group, especially members of a minority group.
It is patently obvious that after 2 months of detailed investigation and analysis, the 2020 Presidential election in the United States was conducted fairly and in a proper way, with no significant amount of voter fraud.
… So, why did an angry mob storm and take over the Capitol yesterday during a joint session of Congress about to certify the election?
Because of the 3 definitions above.
That mob did not like the 2020 Presidential election result – which candidate Joe Biden won by 7+ million votes – and they wanted to change the result illegally.
… When did the United States become such a bastion of extremism and intolerance as witnessed yesterday?
Haters and extremism have no place in the United States.
When I was in school, we were taught that the U.S. was a melting pot of people from all over the world, but with the same basic ideology: If you came here, and you worked hard + fairly, you could do anything and become anyone.
My high school soccer coach came from the country of Greece, and he told us that over there as a boy, he heard that the streets here were paved with gold.
He wanted to become a U.S. citizen so bad, he joined the U.S. Air Force as quickly as he could, to qualify for that status.
He was a good man, a GREAT coach, and an awesome American – and I feel lucky to have known him and played on his amazing soccer team.
(I am talking about you, Jim Droulias. May you Rest in Peace)! 🙂
There are many millions of Americans just like him – which makes the United States a VERY special and unique place.
We at The Life Writer condemn extremism, bigotry, and intolerance in the strongest possible way.
… And I don’t usually discuss religion much – especially online – but I am going to today, in light of the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
I was raised as a Catholic (I was even an altar boy) but I strayed from that religion during college, and morphed my own religious philosophy into a hybrid blend of Christianity and Buddhism.
I believe that every person has a soul, and that every person comes here for a reason.
And because of that, NO person or group (including sex, creed, religion, or race) is inherently any better or worse than any other.
We were ALL created by God, given souls, and came here for a specific reason.
Haters and extremism does not the right to hurt or disenfranchise any other person, because of that fact.
And life – even if extremely challenging, frustrating, and unfair as it frequently is – is a divine gift itself.
I also believe that when we die, we will all be judged by God for our effort and intentions here, as well as for how much we have helped others and this world.
So, haters and extremists, you might want to consider that possibility: That you will be judged and punished for what you do in this life.
We are ALL Americans, and we ALL have the same rights here.
I was happy to see President-elect Joe Biden go on television yesterday during the crisis to deliver the thoughtful and reassuring message that he did.
The vast majority of Americans (95%) are just like him and you/me: Honest, fair, and hardworking people that just want to live and provide for their families.
It is amazing that the U.S. Congress was able to complete the 2020 Presidential Election certification process yesterday AFTER that turmoil!
Congratulations and thank you for demonstrating that American resolve.
On January 20th – 13 days from today – a new President will be sworn into office. Hopefully after that happens, the recent surge in hate, extremism, bigotry, and intolerance will end, or at least be reduced.
Because extremism has no place in this great country – and it should never be tolerated here.
Haters And Extremism.
Do you want to learn more about the events that occurred on December 6th? If yes, here is an excellent reference:
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