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Write A Memoir – Save A Life:

I saw this article from Dr. Sanjay Gupta yesterday and wanted to share it because:

   1. Many people don’t understand the profound power they have to help others. 

   2. That is the primary reason why we are in this business: To inspire, empower, and improve lives.

… Kevin Hines was in pain. SO  much pain, that he thought committing suicide was the only way to stop it.

So, he walked out into the middle of the Golden Gate bridge and jumped off.

As soon as he did, he knew it was a mistake. He regretted it.

Kevin plunged 220 feet down into the ocean below and hit the water at 80 miles per hour.

From Dr. Gupta’s article: “The surface of the water functions like concrete, and does similar damage to the body. Spinal vertebrae and the thoracic rib cage snap like twigs and then rip through the organs in the abdomen and chest. Arteries and veins tear open, and every body cavity fills with blood. The pain is searing, and as you plunge into the frigid water, you are likely to drown, if you are even still alive.”

When Kevin was falling, he realized that if he hit headfirst he would die instantly. So, he twisted at the last moment and landed feet first.

Doing that saved his life.

And although he was severely injured, he eventually recovered and became known as “The Guy That Jumped Off The Golden Gate Bridge and Survived.”

Kevin jumped in September of 2000 and has become an advocate for suicide prevention programs since that time – including for the addition of an anti-suicide net to the Golden Gate Bridge, which will occur in 2021.

Those are the facts about the Gupta article (original link is below) but the reason why I chose to blog about this is because of what Kevin Hines decided the day of his suicide attempt.

He said: “… If a single person says hello to me, or is kind to me while I’m going to the Golden Gate bridge, I will not jump.”   

No one did, which is why he finally decided to end his life.

He gave up on people and  a reason to be alive.

Like many people do today.

The suicide rate has climbed astronomically, going up by +33% in the past 20 years.

It is now the #2 cause of death in the United States.

If ONE PERSON would have said hello to Kevin that day, he would not have jumped.

… Do you see the profound power that YOU have, to help others?  

We have seen the power that life story writing (and sharing) has for healing repeatedly, which is why we created The Life Writer App.

Life story writing benefits the writer, their family/friends, and our society.

Do you want to inspire someone, and maybe even save a life?

You can by sharing your story.

Please think about it. 🙂

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Here is a link to Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s excellent article: 

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