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You Were Right Mom! Three Times Mom Knew Best

You Were Right Mom!

With Mother’s Day coming this weekend, I wanted to write an appropriate tribute to my mom. 

The theme: “You were right, mom! You (almost) always knows best!” 

… I didn’t always believe that myself, but I can give you three examples of my mom actually knowing best (!)

She Would Say:

#1. Learn How To Cook
I can hear her voice now saying, Teri you’ve got to learn how to cook someday! When your mom cooks like a chef at a five star restaurant, that’s easier said than done!
After many trials and errors, burnt attempts hidden in the trash can and wearing the pages ragged in my cookbooks I finally had a plan. I lured her to the house using the grandchildren as bait! Then we prepared some of our favorite dishes together while I wrote everything down as she measured.  The result was Teri can finally cook, I bet she can’t believe it!

#2. Just Wait Until You Have Kids 
My mom was like the Navy Seal of moms.  She was a fighting force not to be reckoned with! She fought to protect her kids like a tough soldier. When I was growing up and asked if I could do something ridiculous, she would say no! Just wait until you have kids!  When I was critical of her parenting skills, when I thought I knew more than her or when I stayed out WAY PAST my curfew, her response was, “just wait until you have kids!” She was right and she knew best again!

#3. If You Want to be Pretty, You Have to Suffer
This was by far my favorite saying of my moms, and I guess she knew best since I was a pretty cute kid! Every Saturday night, I’d get my hair rolled up with those pink sponge rollers! They were painful and I did suffer!! The stiff patent leather shoes that gave my heels blisters were fun too! How about the hats with elastic under the chin or the headbands that were so tight your head would hurt?  Exactly!! If you want to be pretty you have to suffer.  Mom knew best again!

Thank you for being such a great and caring mom to six kids, mom.

You were right mom, and I can never thank you enough.

Happy Mother’s Day!❤


PS: Do you want to read about another person that wants to remember and celebrate her mom on Mother’s Day? If yes, check out Christina Greer’s article here: 

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