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Memoir Writing App – Step-by-Step Tutorial for the Life Writer App:

The Life Writer App offers many different features, so we decided to create a DEMO video which illustrates all of the options.

We wanted the video to be comprehensive – but also short and sweet – so we limited it to a “quick” 3.5 minutes.

The video is attached below.

Do you like it?

There was some controversy on the soundtrack chosen for the video, but it seems to fit…?

Some of The Life Writer App Features Include:

  1. 550 life story questions that make the writing process easy and fun.
  2. An Automatic voice transcription option, to reduce the need for typing.
  3. A Family & Friends Collaboration option, so that others can be part of the memoir writing process, no matter where they live.
  4. Others great features also!

Let me know what you think, and how we might possibly improve the new video and The Life Writer App.

Memoir Writing App – Step-by-Step Tutorial for the Life Writer App.

[email protected] / 888-501-7325 (text messages okay)

PS: Do you want to learn how to create a Demo video also? Here is a great LinkedIn article by Maury Rogow on the subject:

Try out The Life Writer App with a 30 day money back guarantee here:

Do you need a gift certificate? This is what they look like:

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