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Discover the Benefits of Life Story Memoir Writing Apps

Life story memoir writing apps: Discover the many benefits. 

In my last blog post I described why life story writing is so difficult: It’s not easy to do, it’s labor intensive, and it’s expensive if you ask for help.

I also described what the typical life writing process is when you do hire help.

In this post, I’m going to describe how The Life Writer app solves those problems.

The app automates what life story writing helpers do. 


– 1. Asks you a series of questions about your life, based upon what you’ve experienced.

When you first log in, it will ask you general questions such as: Did you marry?, Have children?, Go to college?, Serve in the Military?, Retire?, etc..

Based upon your response to those questions, The Life Writer app will then ask you more detailed questions about those specific topics (if you did not serve in the military for example, you will not be offered those questions).

The automatic subject/chapter default setting is:

– Our Family History

– My Early Childhood

– My Elementary & Middle School Years

– Our Family Back Then (primarily about your siblings)

– My High School Years

– The College Years

– Military Service

– Dating & Marriage

– Starting Our Family

– My Career

– Retirement

– My Favorite Things in Life

– A Special Message to My Family (or Friends/Loved Ones)

There are over 500 life story questions inside The Life Writer app, which make the writing process easy and fun.

YOU decide how many questions to answer. You do not have to answer them all, and you can create a memoir book without answering ANY questions at all (by free writing, speaking, or copy/pasting existing content).

– 2. When you answer the life story questions, The Life Writer app will automatically create a beautiful digital life story memoir book, divided by chapter.

– 3. That memoir book – a PDF – can be shared digitally with your family and friends, and/or printed out in many different ways, including at home on your printer, or at a book publisher to produce hard/soft bound books.

– 4. Photographs and other digital memorabilia (such as newspaper clippings, recipes, certificates, etc.) can also be added.

– 5. The Life Writer app also enables you to collaborate with your family and friends if you wish. You can email them a collaboration link, which will grant them access to your story. They can add photographs, answer life story questions, or even edit the book in process. 

– 6. The app also enables you to use automatic voice transcription if you want to. With that option, you can simply speak the answers to life story questions and not have to type those in. The app will automatically transcribe your words into text.

(Pretty cool, huh)?

The Life Writer app makes life story memoir book writing easy, affordable, and available to everyone for the first time ever.

Life story memoir writing apps: Discover the many benefits!

Try out The Life Writer App for free here:

Do you need a gift certificate? This is what they look like:

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