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Memoir Writing Apps – The Solution You Need

Memoir Writing Apps: The solution you need.


Because this is how the life story memoir book writing process usually goes for most people:

#A. A person will try to write his/her story and then (eventually) give up.

It’s not their fault. The process is difficult, time consuming, and expensive if you get outside help.

(You would be surprised to learn just how many people have tried and failed to do that. MOST PEOPLE WANT to write and share their life story, with at least their family).

And, even if you ARE able to write your story, it is still difficult to have physical books printed.    


#B. If you choose to get help, here’s how that process will usually go:

1. You pay up. The cost is high – professional help often begins around $50,000.

2. The life writing helper will interview you, and ask you questions about your life.

3. They will record your answers on a digital or tape recorder.

4. They will look at, ask you about, and scan your favorite photos and other memorabilia, such as: Certificates, newspaper clippings, licenses, recipes, and other valuable items.

5. They will leave with that information.

6. They will then transcribe your words into text (your answers to their life story questions).

7. They will download your photographs and other memorabilia.

8. They will organize all of that content into a smooth flowing narrative book format, divided by chapter.

9. They will give you a draft of your life story memoir book to review.

10. When you’re happy with it, they will send a digital copy of your book to a book publisher for printing.

11. They will deliver your life story memoir books to you.

We know the process well because my wife (Teri) and I used to do that for our customers. We were life story writing helpers.

Old Way

The process takes a long time, is expensive, and is hard work (most writing helpers won’t actually use a cutting wheel – although some might want to) 🙂

– – – Which is why almost no one ever wrote their life story in the past!

And why we created The Life Writer app: To make life story memoir book writing easy, affordable, and available to everyone.

The Life Writer app AUTOMATES what life story writing helpers did in the past.

Memoir Writing Apps – The Solution You Need (to try out, for yourself)!

Try out The Life Writer App for free here:

Do you need a gift certificate? This is what they look like:

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