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Memoir Writing FAQs.

We get a fair number of life story writing FAQs, so I wanted to share a few:

FAQ 1:
Is The Life Writer App fee ($95) a monthly subscription? 

Answer: No. It’s a one-time fee. Why is it so affordable? Because we are truly committed to making life story memoir book writing easy, affordable, and available to everyone. (Believe it or not) 🙂


Can I go back and change what I have written?

Answer: Yes! That is big part of the fun of writing – – – rewriting. You can certainly go back and change anything, anytime – whenever you want to.

FAQ 3:

Can I Add a New Chapter?

Answer: Yes. You can add, delete, and move around chapters any way that you like. The Life Writer App was designed to be flexible with regard to format, and it is.


How much does it cost to heat this room?

Answer: A student asked that question in one of my college classes – after the professor said: “There are no dumb questions here!” Everyone laughed – including the professor – but he should have come back with something like (deadpan): “… The cost averages out to $206.13 per month, and depends upon temperature set point, time of the year/season, number of students using the room, the time of day, and whether any maintenance is needed. “

I am checking to see if you’re awake!


Can I write a life story with someone else?

Answer: Yes, there are several ways to do that, including by using The Life Writer App’s Family & Friend Collaboration Link. Which you can email out to others and grant them access to your story. With that access, they can add stories, add photos, and/or help you edit the book-in-progress.

FAQ 6:

I don’t like to type. Do you have automatic voice transcription? 

Answer: Yes! The Life Writer App offers an automatic voice-to-text option for all customers. With that, you can add content to your story by using just your voice. The Life Writer App will transcribe your words into text automatically.  

(It is amazing how far that technology has come and how fast.  It can really speed up the writing process)!


Was this app really created by two Baby Boomers that can’t write computer code? Or does a big greedy company actually run things behind the scenes?

Answer: Great question, because those things happen today, unfortunately. Yes, The Life Writer App was actually created by my wife and I (Teri & Marc DeVincent) after we wrote the life story of Teri’s (then) 90-year-old father, George. We saw how powerful the life writing process and end result was, and we have worked for 15 years to bring that same capability to everyone. We want to help people and families.

That’s just the way we are.   

Memoir Writing FAQs – If I have missed any of your questions, let me know! 🙂

Memoir Writing FAQs: Everything You Need to Know

(Us in our sweaty glory hiking around Mt. Mitchell)


Why should I write my life story?

Answer: Because life story memoir writing is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation – which benefits the writer, their family/friends, and our society. And you actually CAN DO IT now, thanks to technology and The Life Writer App!

– – – Thank you for reading this FAQs!

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